Dictionary of Mathematics (English-Hindi)
Mathematics is often defined as the study of topics such as quantity structure, space and change. Another view, held by many mathematicians, is that Mathematics is the body of knowledge justified by deductive reasoning, starting from axioms and definitions. Practical Mathematics, in nearly every society, is used for such purposes as accounting, measuring land, or predicting astronomical events. Mathematical discovery or research often involves discovering and cataloging patterns, without regard for application. Today, the natural sciences, engineering, economics and medicine depend heavily on new mathematical discoveries. Dictionary of Mathematics is a unique presentation of words to be used by the school and college students, teachers and researchers in this field. This dictionary has been complied and prepared after consulting various dictionaries available in the market. We have tried out best to present before you the updated forms of words being used in Mathematics. The modern approach to information technology has been taken into account in the presentation of different types of words frequently used in modern perspective. It is clear from the pronunciation of word and syllable, which has the student of mathematics usage. All words have been presented with specific marks so as to make them familiar in their entirety. This dictionary covers from algebra to number theory, statistics to mechanics, this versatile and completely updated reference takes in all branches of pure and applied Mathematics. The features include: More than 3,200 cross-referenced entries, supported by dozens of explanatory diagrams. Expanded, up-to-date sections of such topics as chaos, fractals and graph theory. Comprehensive coverage of subjects taught in both high school and college.
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Bibliographic information
Rajesh Yadav