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Four Great Indian English Novelists: Some Points of View

K.K. Sharma (Author)
Synopsis Though contemporaries—born in 1905, 1906, 1908 and 1906 respectively—Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao and Bhabani Bhattacharya are conspicuously different from one another, and every one of them is a class by himself. They immediately bring to our mind the four great English novelists of the eighteenth century—i.e., Richardson, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne. Like their illustrious British predecessors, they can appropriately be called ‘the four wheels’, ‘the four mighty limbs’, of the Indian English novel. They have written indefatigably, and even in old age their fecundity has not evinced any mark of exhaustion or deterioration. There is a rich galaxy of Indian English fictionists, but none of them can emulate any of these four who are truly great because of their profundity of vision and fertility. No wonder they have been placed among the foremost writers of the world to-day. Hence the perpetual need for fresh studies of their art and ideas. The present book is one more addition to the numerous perceptive studies that have come out on them during the past three decades or so. I believe this modest attempt will help the reader in gaining a better understanding of these fictionists of perennial interest and importance.
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About the author

K.K. Sharma

K.K. Sharma, Ph.D., D.Litt., former Professor of English, University of Allahabad, is currently the Editor of the Scholarly research journal, Points of View. He is well-known for his books and articles both in India and abroad. Some of his notable full-length studies are: Joyce Cary: His theme and Techniques; Modern Fictional Theorists: Virginia Wolf and D.H. Lawrence; Bhabani Bhattacharya: His Vision and Themes; Tradition in Modern Novel Theory; Rabindranath Tagore’s Aesthetics; The Partition in Indian English Novels; Four Great Indian English Novelsists; The Litterateur as Art-theorist; Feminism, Censorship and other Essays; Indo-English Literature: A Collection of critical Essays (Ed.); perspectives on Raja Rao (Ed.); perspectives of Sarojini Naidu (Ed.); Indian English Literature: A perspective (Ed.); Bhabani Bhattacharya: Some points of view (Ed.); Feminism and Literature (Ed.); Film and Literature (Ed.); and Censorships and Literature (Ed.)

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Bibliographic information

Title Four Great Indian English Novelists: Some Points of View
Author K.K. Sharma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st Ed.
Publisher Sarup & Sons
Language: English
isbn 8176252565
length vi+154p.