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A to Z Book of Jokes

N Subramanian (Author)
Synopsis "Without a sense of humour the world would have gone to blazes long ago." -Shri Aurobindo. True, humour plays a great role in the lives of people. In this stressful atmosphere of modern world, humour is necessary to break the monotony and to inject a fresh air of enthusiasm. This collection of jokes present humour to the seekers of pleasure and have them enjoy spells of laughter. The jokes have been generated from Rotary Club meetings and magazines like Reader's Digest and Wisdom and caters to different categories of people.
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About the author

N Subramanian

N. Subramanian is a consulting engineer living in Maryland, USA, and former Chief Executive of Computer Design Consultants, Chennai. A Ph D from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, he has more than 30 years of professional experience which include teaching, research, and consultancy. He has served as a consultant to several leading organizations in India and has designed several multi-storey concrete buildings, steel towers, industrial buildings, steel space frames, and structures using cold-formed steel sections. Dr Subramanian has authored several books and technical papers published in international and Indian journals and conferences. A fellow of several professional bodies, he is the author of Design of Steel Structures.

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Bibliographic information

Title A to Z Book of Jokes
Author N Subramanian
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8172244363
length 188p.