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Indian Wildlife: Threats and Preservation

B.D. Sharma (Editor)
Synopsis Our ancient scriptures and epics are testimony to our spectacular wildlife heritage. Our ancestors worshipped nature and considered themselves as the custodian of wildlife. The status of animals in the wild, particularly large mammals, act as barometers of the health of their natural habitats. Wildlife management and conservation, therefore, should not narrowly focus on practices that are heavily slanted towards animals to the exclusion of plant life that form a part of the food chain of all living creatures. Further, the people's involvement is crucial to protection and conservation of our wildlife population. The present volume is a compilation of critical contributions highlighting the nature and extent of the threats to our wildlife and the conservation and management practices that are appropriate to contain such threats. This volume is a source material for wildlife conservationists and also useful for lay persons interested in wildlife preservation.
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About the author

B.D. Sharma

B.D. Sharma is professor of Zoology and has several publications to his credit. He is the author of about 20 books and 150 research papers published in India and abroad. Dr. Sharma is the member of several organizations of international repute and founder of Mountain Eco-conservation and Wildlife Society of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Indian Wildlife: Threats and Preservation
Author B.D. Sharma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126111321
length xviii+272p., Tables; ills; 23cm.