Food Security and Global Economy
Food shortage and rising prices of food commodities have not crept on us. The life and death implications of food insecurity have burst upon the world's consciousness within the last 18 months (as of June 2008). There is no nation of the world that is unaffected, no matter how rich or poor. The global dimensions of the food crisis require global action. The causes are many-all man made; the solutions are also numerous and we are all involved in it. This book attempts to bring into focus, in a succinct manner, the various facets of the problem and the solutions suggested by governments, institutions, scientists and administrators. The projected scenarios differ, often considerably, but today there is consensus that if we are to overcome the threat of food insecurity we have all got to be involved. If understanding of the problem and its ramifications are notched even to a small degree by this book, it will have served its purpose. It is concerned with raising awareness of the impending tragedy and , at the same time, stressing the many solutions that have been thrown up.
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Avanish K. Tiwari