Extension Education: Core Contents and Emerging Areas
All agricultural disciplines have to cope with the subsequent and emerging thoughts not to speak of extension education alone. The scope of extension education has gradually broadened enough without a shift in the basic focus to make it as comprehensive as possible. This discipline has undergone gradual metamorphosis through the last few decades. As a result of this process the discipline has been facing serious challenges particularly against the backdrop of globalization. The coverage of this book represents the fusion of traditional contents of the discipline with a number of emerging thoughts relevant to the discipline. As such this volume should serve the purpose beyond an ordinary text book on extension education. It should be treated as a reference book for several purposes. This book is meant for UG and PG students of agriculture, veterinary and animal sciences, fishery, home science, dairy science. Besides, it should also serve as a reference manual for training and management centres like KVKs, ATCs and various government departments, cooperatives, banks and NGOs and even for different management institutes.
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