20 Keys for Success in Job & Career
Sucess in job or career does not depend on your educational qualifications only, though certainly it is one of the most important criteria. But there are other aspects too, which are equally important! It has been often seen that the so-called mediocre or less meritorious persons achieve far more in life than their more talented or meritorious colleagues. What could be the reason for this anomaly? Sometimes talented people have some shortcomings in their personalities that obstruct their path. People often overlook some small,but critical,requirements in such context like the way of dressing, office etiquette, harmless ways to please the boss, communication skills etc. This small book points out these little things which we often tend to ignore. Those, who want to climb the ladder of success, but are facing difficulties despite all the talent, must read this book. Its simple 20 keys may add new dimension to your personality,and open new doors of success and opportunities.
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