Better Sex (The Herbal Way)
Sex is a 3-letter word that is a taboo in our society, and we feel ashamed of discussing it. As a result several myths and misconceptions have developed about it. This slim book is a valuable guide to teach us in simple straight-forward manner some salient points of better sex. The main focus of this book is use of herbs in the matter of sex. It guides us about proper food, drinks and herbs to boost sexual pleasure. An irrepressible force that keeps driving man perennially, the sexual urge has led to an eternal search for the ultimate Aphrodisiac. Amongst a host of others, the latest performance boosters to set global libidos afire is Viagra. This book, however, cautions you on the health hazards associated with sex enhancers in modern science. Instead it lists a range of herbal aphrodisiacs ancient, exotic and modern that do not affect health while enhancing performance. From herbs, flowers, fruits and drinks to a plethora of other foods, substance and techniques, the book spells out what aid or inhibit sexual pleasure and performance. Besides, there are invaluable tips on overcoming impotence and other sexual impediments without being duped by quakes. By the time you are through with this book, the myriad myth-exploding facts on sex (for instance, penile size doesn t matter, technique does) and the simple tips and techniques will ensure you are an expert in such affairs.
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