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Encyclopaedia of Information Technology and Practical Management (In 4 Volumes)

Vasu Deva (Author)
Synopsis Information Technology refers to the creation, gathering, processing, storage and delivery of information and the processes and devices that makes this life. Information technology has emerged as an all-pervasive force that impacts the lives of people across the world. Information Technology and its uses create new opportunities of employment, growth and prosperity. This is possible when the practical knowledge of management is applied to specific situations for achieving excellent results. Management is regarded as a critical variable and important input for an organization. The quality of management talent and abilities of corporate managers shape the success and prosperity of an organization. It is the basic responsibility of corporate manager to get resources utilized effectively and efficiently for achieving goals and objectives of the organization. To preserve and protect the identity of an organization, the corporate manager gets information, which he/ she uses for decision making and solving problems. The functional areas of management are marketing, production, finance and human Resources Development. Modern marketing is the most powerful and definite force in the development of modern civilization Marketing and its practical application have established themselves as the engines of the new economy bringing improvement to production and operations management and total quality management with information intensive marketing system. Plants, computers and automated equipment and all else that a modern corporation uses are unproductive except for human effort and direction, effective management of production and operations are crucial to the growth of the organization. For effective performance and profitability, members of the finance organization are equipped with effective financial skills. However, it is the quality of people, and how they utilize their skills and knowledge towards achievement of optimum level of performance and job satisfaction which finally matters. Information Technology is a helpful and powerful tool, but becomes useful only with people's commitment and involvement. Experience and wisdom serve as inputs for information technology and better management practices in pursuit of excellence. Vision with action would change the image of India in the Global World.
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About the author

Vasu Deva

Dr. Vasu Deva, Director, Mohta Institute of Management Studies and Research, (ex) Professor Birla Technological Institute and President, Faridabad Management Association. Dr. Vasu Deva has been authoring books on Management and Information Technology throughout the span of his professional career. His books are constant companions of the practicing managers in business and industry. Dr. Deva has been on the Board of Directors of leading organizations, member of various professional bodies and visiting professor. Teaching, training and consultancy are his inherent strengths.

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Bibliographic information

Title Encyclopaedia of Information Technology and Practical Management (In 4 Volumes)
Author Vasu Deva
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171697232
length vi+v+vi+vi+331+358+354+300p., Tables; Figs.; Bibliography; Index.