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IT Revolution, Globalization and the Teaching of English

M. Rajeshwar (Editor) P. Shailaja (Editor) G. Damodar (Editor)
Synopsis The revolutionary developments in the field of Information Technology (IT) and the compulsions of globalization have made it imperative to reorient our approach to the teaching of English in India. The introduction of computers and other multi-media devices into the language classroom has made it possible for new technologies to be applied for instructional purposes. A large majority of the articles put together in this book underline the need to adopt technology enhanced methods of language teaching in the context of globalization and identify the materials and means for an extensive use of computers and other IT resources for strengthening English language teaching in India. Teachers, students, scholars, ELT specialists and CALL experts will certainly find this book very useful.
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About the authors

M. Rajeshwar

M. Rajeshwar is Associate Professor of English at Kakatiya University, Warangal (Andhra Pradesh), India.  His published works of criticism include The Novels of Wole Soyinka and Indian Women Novelists and Psychoanalysis.  He has edited several anthologies of literary essays.  Some of them are: Post-modernism and English Literature; Indian Fiction in English; Studies in Indian Writing in English (Volume 1 & 2); Post-independence Indian English Fiction; Commonwealth Fiction: Twenty-first Century Readings; Modern American Literature and IT Revolution, and Globalization and the Teaching of English.  He has published a large number of articles on Indian, African and American fiction and ELT in reputed journals like New Quest; ARTS Research; Indian Literature; The Journal of Indian Writing in English; Commonwealth Quarterly; The Commonwealth Review and Revaluations.

P. Shailaja

P. Shailaja is associate Professor in the department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal. Her doctoral research is in the area of American Literature and Amerindian Literature, Tribal Literature, Indian Diaspora and Women’s Studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title IT Revolution, Globalization and the Teaching of English
Format Hardcover
Date published: 03.05.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171569694
length viii+152p.