Solah Samskaras
Solah Samskaras is yet another laudable effort of His Holiness Swami Paramananda to explain in clear, simple and scientific terms, the wisdom concealed behind symbols, rites and rituals, which are to remind man of the lofty truths of life, but which have lost their true meaning through ages of ignorance. The author reveals that the Universe is like a machine and rites and rituals are the key buttons of its switchboard connecting to the different subtle forces of the Universe. However, they are not to be stopped at. They are means to help us on the spiritual path and not end. Man should continue to search intensely. His Holiness, who is founder and Spiritual Master of the Satyam Gyanam Anandam Society, has made global mind transformation his life-mission. He is thus actively involved in the propagation of the science of meditation to seekers, both in Mauritius and overseas. He is already the author of five books, all written with the same objective: restoring the truth about religion, spirituality and mysticism. He also publishes a magazine known as 'Know Thyself', which is much appreciated by seekers.
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