Biodiversity ConservationInsect Pests of Cereals and Their Management
This book has been designed keeping in mind the need for a manual which provides farmers with the wherewithal to bring insect pests of their cereal crops under management. It brings an extensive knowledge of the pesticides, trends, practices and techniques, both conventional and modern which can be used to combat this menace. In addition, it takes care to incorporate a discussion on specific pest problems, and how they can be managed, with due regard to environmental stability. Further, it also brings in a study of the biological ethics behind using pest-control tactics.
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This book has been designed keeping in mind the need for a manual which provides farmers with the wherewithal to bring insect pests of their cereal crops under management. It brings an extensive knowledge of the pesticides, trends, practices and techniques, both conventional and modern which can be used to combat this menace. In addition, it takes care to incorporate a discussion on specific pest problems, and how they can be managed, with due regard to environmental stability. Further, it also brings in a study of the biological ethics behind using pest-control tactics.
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