Historical Dictionary of Sikhism
A comprehensive dictionary of terms, concepts, events, and personalities in the study of the Sikh religion and history, the Historical Dictionary of Sikhism has been compiled by one of the most renowned authorities in Sikh studies. It includes: More than 1000 entries on the Sikh religion, history, and society explained in an accessible way. The entries include specific terms such as bana, bhog, and bunga, as well as general concepts as they occur within Sikh belief, such as monogamy, patriarchy, and rites of passage. Thoughtful cross-referencing within entries to facilitate use of the Dictionary by lay readers. An extensive updated bibliography of extant works in the English language on the religion and history of the Sikhs. This is a necessary source-book for students, scholars, and general readers in Sikh studies. Practising Sikhs will find the Dictionary immensely useful. For those with little knowledge of Sikhism, it will be an invaluable companion to any work on the Sikh religion.
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