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Introduction to Hospital Health Care and Nursing

R.N. Shukla (Author)
Synopsis This book entitled "Introduction to Hospital, Health Care and Nursing" provides readers with an introductory overview of basic issues related to hospital, health care and nursing. Various facets to health care and nursing industry and services are covered. An overview of hospital management is provided in detail. Similarly, the organizational structure and quality management aspects of modern day hospitals are reflected upon briefly. The key issues, i.e. laboratory safety as vital part of hospital management, has been taken up seriously so as to analyze the significance it in times to come. The social and legal aspects of health care management are covered in detail. Besides, the administration of nursing homes and management of medical devices have been given due consideration in this book. Management of financial and delivery aspects of health care services have been discussed at great length. A detailed bibliography has been provided along with list of related websites and links, so as to make the publication more user friendly and research oriented. This book serves the purpose of an up-to-date reference book on the said subject.
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About the author

R.N. Shukla

R.N. Shukla, a teacher turned Medical Practitioner and Philanthropist received his MBBS; MD from Bihar University. He was Professor of Medicine and had the privilege of teaching in various university. After retiring from university service he is at present running a chain of hospitals in the heartland of western Uttar Pradesh. He regularly attends seminars, symposiums and workshop related to his field of interest and also organizes relief and humanitarian relief camps in service of humanity from time to time.

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Bibliographic information

Title Introduction to Hospital Health Care and Nursing
Author R.N. Shukla
Format Hardcover
Date published: 14.07.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788126140046
length viii+309p., Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.