Bio-Cultural Diversity & Sustainable Development in North East India
The North-eastern states of India are ethnically and culturally very rich and distinct from the rest of the country. They are inhabited by a majority of the indigenous communities and have a variety of ecosystems. These groups have their own ancient traditional systems of using and managing the natural resources on a sustainable basis. But, unfortunately, in the name of development, their bio-cultural diversity is deteriorated day-by-day. To explore ways to address this problem, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology organized a conference, and this book is the collection of the updated version of the papers presented at the conference. The contributors deliberate on linkage between environmental quality and economic growth, role of agro-processing industries in sustainable development, economic viability of horticulture, indigenous agricultural systems, vermitech, and mainstreaming of climate change through community-based forest management. They also deal with sacred values and bio-diversity conservation, sustainable rural livelihoods, fog-water harvesting, women entrepreneurship, applications of fuel-cell systems, ecotourism and gender perspective of development in the region.
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Bibliographic information
Sangeeta Jha
S. Munjal