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Saussure For Beginners

W. Terrence Gordon (Author)
Synopsis Ferdinand de Saussure’s work is so powerful that it not only redefined modern linguistics, it also opened our minds to new ways of "doing" anthropology, literary criticism, and psychoanalysis. Genius like Saussure’s is meant to be shared, it is shameful to confine it to the "experts". Unfortunately, unless you were a linguist, Saussure was virtually unreadable. Until now, Saussure For Beginners is a clear, accessible guide to one of the most influential and difficult thinkers of the twentieth century. It is designed in both look and language to introduce the lay reader to the brilliant, mystifying Saussure.
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Bibliographic information

Title Saussure For Beginners
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8125022325
length 122p.