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The Problem of the Sarasvati River and Notes on the Archaeological Geography of Haryana and Indian Panjab

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About the author

Dilip K Chakrabarti

Dilip K. Chakrabarty is University lecturer in south Asian archaeology at Cambridge University. His recent publications include Archaeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: the Lower and the Middle Ganga (Delhi 2001) and The Archaeology of European Expansion in India: Gujarat, c. 16th-18th Centuries (in Press). His current field-research programmes include a historical geographical study of the upper Ganga plain and a similar study of the routes which linked the Ganga plain with the Deccan.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Problem of the Sarasvati River and Notes on the Archaeological Geography of Haryana and Indian Panjab
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.09.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788173053818
length xiv+302p., Figures; Coloured Plates; Maps; 25cm.