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Control AIDS Thru Homeopathy

R.K. Kapoor (Author)
Synopsis A case of AIDS is a war, a fierce battle between HIV and the treating physician, a battle that he never dreamt of, and one that he never witnessed.

This is manifested by the fact that though of Founder of Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann wrote six volumes on Organon of Medicine and made various changes yet did not give instructions to withdraw any of the volume or its section or its aphorism. The author Dr. R.K. Kapoor has tried to take advantage of his thought process. He has endeavored to dig out his hidden treasure but has kept it flexible with the premonition that there may come a time when a disease like AIDS may manifest itself and wipe out a bulk of global population.

Homoeopathy has come to the rescue of people. It does not claim at this point of time, to provide a complete cure, as it is in the process of development. However it can pave the way to control AIDS and shower the boon of longevity on its sufferer. The methodology evolves around the idea of how to stop the onward journey of the virus; how to cage it and cripple it. Once it is achieved the physician will have plenty of time for an onward journey to bring out a complete eradication of this deadly disease. Dr. Kapoor has a record of treating millions of acute, chronic, curable and incurables cases successfully in India and abroad. He now desires to convey to the patients of HIV/AIDS that it is unquestionably curable and can be controlled instantaneously with the help of homoeopathic therapeutics.
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About the author

R.K. Kapoor

Dr. R.K. Kapoor, whose career spans over four and a half decades, is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon in the Bombay Hospital Medical Research Centre and the Taparia Institute of Ophthalmology, Mumbai. He is also an assistant professor of ophthalmology in the Bombay Institute for Medical Science. After obtaining his MBBS from Topiwala National Medical College, He went on to acquire his Ms (Ophthalmology) from Grant Medical College, Mumbai, and served in various capacities in several prestigious hospitals and institutions in India and abroad. Apart from participating in community eye projects, Dr. Kapoor has presented various papers in national and international conferences on ophthalmology and intraocular lens implant.

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Bibliographic information

Title Control AIDS Thru Homeopathy
Author R.K. Kapoor
Format Hardcover
Date published: 24.10.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8184300743, 9788184300741
length 247p., Tables; Figures; 22 cm.