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Urdu Sources on Modern India : 1885—1947

S. Sartaj Alam Abidi (Editor)
Synopsis In pre-partition days Urdu has been the vehicle of learned expressions in social sciences and humanities but in the post-partition era it was not in much use by the scholars, partly because the young generation of scholars was not so familiar with Urdu. The present work is a meticulous effort to unfold the vast useful material on modern India for research scholars. Had this effort not been made a large segment of valuable material would have remained untapped by them. Primary sources like articles in Urdu newspapers and journals have been scanned. A list of these sources has been given in this book. The entries give names of authors and titles in transliterated form but annotations are given in English in each entry. The location of books and journals has been indicated in the entries. The entries are serially numbered chapter-wise. The book contains author, title and subject indices. It is hoped that this work, will serve as a companion to scholars interested in social sciences and modern India.
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About the author

S. Sartaj Alam Abidi

S. Sartaj Alam Abidi (b. 1936) holds a postgraduate degree in English literature and Master of Library Science from University of Delhi.  He has been associated with indexing and bibliographical work at institutional level (Nehru Memorial Library).  He has twenty-eight years of experience in library profession and has held responsible position at Nehru Memorial Library, an Institution of International repute.  He translated into Urdu, a book entitled Libraries and Librarianship in Ancient and Medieval India which was published by Bureau of Promotion of Urdu, Ministry of Education.  In collaboration he produced Fifty Years of Indian Historical Writings in 1974 and Social Sciences in Modern India (3 Vols.) in 1990.  Both efforts are in retrospective indexing for the benefit of research scholars in Social Sciences.  He was awarded senior fellowship by Indian Council of Historical Research in 1995-96 for Urdu Sources in Modern India.  At present he is associated with the project Selected Works of Jayaprakash Narayan, Sponsored by Department of Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India since 1999.

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Bibliographic information

Title Urdu Sources on Modern India : 1885—1947
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 817211124X
length xii+316 p.