Global Medical Geography: Essays in Honour of Prof. Yola Verhasselt
Medical geography is an area of geographical research that incorporates geographic techniques into the study of health around the world and studies the impact of climate and location on an individual’s health as well as the distribution of health services. It is an important branch of human geography because it aims to provide an understanding of health problems and improve the health of people worldwise based on the various geographic factors influencing them.
This essential reader in medical geography has a wide ranging and international appeal. This anthology compiled in hounur of Prof. Yola Verhasselt also reviews the progress and current state of the subject.
The volume has been divided into six sections:
Section I deals with conceptual and methodological aspects of medical geography.
Section II of the book deals with case studies on disease ecology.
Section III of the book pertains to studies in health care geography.
Section IV is devoted to case studies on development and health.
Section V concerns with studies on women’s health.
Section VI examines the progress made in the field of medical geography in Germany, Italy and India.
The book will be helpful to geographers, environmentalists and health care professionals.
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This essential reader in medical geography has a wide ranging and international appeal. This anthology compiled in hounur of Prof. Yola Verhasselt also reviews the progress and current state of the subject.
The volume has been divided into six sections:
Section I deals with conceptual and methodological aspects of medical geography.
Section II of the book deals with case studies on disease ecology.
Section III of the book pertains to studies in health care geography.
Section IV is devoted to case studies on development and health.
Section V concerns with studies on women’s health.
Section VI examines the progress made in the field of medical geography in Germany, Italy and India.
The book will be helpful to geographers, environmentalists and health care professionals.
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