A Handbook of Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts
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Increasing global interests and involvements have been demanded the stimulation of a global awareness of the world and this educational need is well served by this latest extensively revised, restructured and thoroughly up-to-date edition. Regional geography is firmly the concept of central importance in this presentation of geographical knowledge on the layout of the world’s environments and societies but this is no static descriptive survey. Written in an encouragingly lively style the author’s concern for social, economic and political issues conveys a contemporary realism that is enriched by insights into the processes at work in transforming the world’s rapidly changing geography.
The trite statement of intention ‘to outline the physical stage on which the human drama is being played out’ is deemed to be fulfilled by simple statements on an eclectic selection of topics including tectonic plates, glaciation, global warming, water and world precipitation followed by a summary statement of the climatic regions devised by Koppen and Geiger within which soils and vegetations receive scant attention. The human foundations are laid by a comparable mélange of the concepts of cultures and cultural landscape, highlighting the population distribution, urbanization, patterns of economic development and statements of ethnicity, demographic data and political backgrounds.
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