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Minority Education in India: Issues of Access, Equity and Inclusion

Abdul Waheed (Editor)

The claim of a country to civilization depends upon the treatment it extends to the minorities says Mahatma Gandhi. Indian Constitution also promises various safeguards to minorities which, surprisingly, have not so far, been translated into reality-a great challenge before the largest democracy of the world, very aptly captured by Sachar Committee in these words, the faith and confidence of the minorities in the functioning of the State in an impartial manner is an acid test of its being a just state.

Among the five religious Indian Minorites, Muslims,Constituting 14per cent population of the country and 73 per cent population of the five religious minorities have consistently been lagging behind other communities on all indicators of human development since independence. They have been found most educationally backward community at national level and Government of India declared them National Educationally Backward Minority in 1993 but the fate of Indian Muslims has not changed in the last 62 years of independence as they are again found most deprived community of the country by Sachar Committee.

This volume is an outcome of a national Seminar, organized by AMU, Aligarh under the auspices of CEPECAMI to discuss the issues of minority access to and inclusion in mainstream education system. The volume contains 22 papers, explaining various dimensions of educational exclusion of minorities, success stories of their educational institutions and future strategies for their inclusion.

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About the author

Abdul Waheed

Dr. Abdul Waheed is Director of Centre for Promotion of Educational and Cultural Advancement of Muslims of India (CEPECAMI), Aligarh Muslims University (AMU), Aligarh and reader, department of Sociology and Social Work, Aligarh Muslims university., Aligarh, has been teaching Sociology since 1989. he obtained Degrees of M.A. and M.Phil. in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru university, new Delhi and Ph.D. from ANU, Aligarh. He got Junior research fellowship of university Grants Commission of India. His areas of interests are: Sociology of Minorities and Indian Muslims. He has published articles on Dowry, Divorce and Economy among Indian Muslims. He has worked on Muslims Banjaras og Uttar Pradesh, the community which has not so far been studied by any social scientist.

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Bibliographic information

Title Minority Education in India: Issues of Access, Equity and Inclusion
Author Abdul Waheed
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788183873482
length xvii+264p., Tables; Notes; References; Index; 23cm.