Democracy and Development Administration
Considerable changes are taking place today in the structure and working of administration all over the world. This, in turn, has necessitated a change in the approach. This well-organized and systematic study takes into account these developments. This book, in the main, is concerned with certain selected problems of development administra¬tion which deserve special attention. The selection of these problems has been made in the light of growing recognition of the importance of development adminis-tration to meet the challenges of development in developing countries. An effort has also been made to bring together the experience of develop-ment administra¬tion in the perspective of cross-country comparison. The book' deals with the latest develop-ments in respect of the concept of development as well as the various aspects of development adminis-tration. The book will provide fresh and incisive insights to policy¬makers and public administrators of developing countries. The book will also be of use to the students and professionals in research and training institutions of the developing countries.
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