Ethnoforestry: The Future of Indian Forestry
The forest resources should not be treated as a mere source of revenue rather looked upon as national assets to protect the environment, flora and fauna. The benefits from forests should be harnessed from Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPS) and not from tree felling for timber extraction. It is the need of the hour to prepare a management plan for harnessing non wood forest products to gain economic benefits in perpetuity on sustainable basis. It is, therefore, necessary to assess the stock of these products in our natural forests for their commercial exploitation. Keeping this view in mind this ethical volume has been prepared through contributed reviews/technical papers from experts in the field of NWFPS. The 27 articles in this book are covering a variety of NWFPS starting from bio-fuels, oil seeds, fruits, fodder, legumes, mushrooms, natural dyes, tannin, lignin, resin, lac, silk, medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and animal products etc. The articles provide an overview of various NWFPS of different states so that the forest managers/planners can have an idea of availability of NWFPS in their respective states and to select a few for the commercial exploitation for employment generation and revenue earning at the state/national level as in ethnoforestry lies the future of Indian/world forestry.
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