Research Methodology
Adoption of appropriate methodology is an essential characteristic of quality research studies, irrespective of the discipline with they are related to. This book is designed to provide a foundation course in research methodology for those who have just entered the field of research in social sciences and other related disciplines. Though not meant to be an all inclusive and comprehensive work on research methodology, it attempts to give a skeleton of the methods and procedures a researcher should know in order to optimize his research results and be able to present his research findings in an acceptable manner and form. The present work provides the basic tenets of methodological research so that researchers may become familiar with the art of using research methods and techniques. The book contains introductory explanation of several quantitative methods enjoying wide use in social sciences. It covers a fairly wide range of issues related to Research Methodology in Management. The presentation is uniform, precise and cogent. Illustrations given are meaningful and relevant. The book can be taken as a well-organised guide for researcher whose methodological background is not extensive. This work is primarily intended to serve as a textbook for students and researchers. It will also serve as a text for the students of management, and other related disciplines, doing research in one form or other.
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Vageesh Paliwal
Rajul Bhardwaj