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Society and Culture: Social Transformation in India

Mohan Advani (Editor) Madhu Sudan Trivedi (Editor)
Synopsis The book contains empirical studies on multi-dimensional aspects of society and culture in the state of Rajasthan. It analyses the forms of development and social change in Indian context and focuses on global influences which generate transformation in regional as well as local identities. The issues and strategies have been presented in a sociological perspective. Tribe and caste studies delineate the characteristics of feudalism, intervillage organisation, town framework, child marriage and social mobility. Social assessment indicates trends in folk, popular and composite culture. The facets of secularism, population, status of women and mass communication are identified in the framework of socio-economic linkages and convergence.
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Bibliographic information

Title Society and Culture: Social Transformation in India
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 8186026673
length 168p.