Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry
This book deals with general information about work in Organic Chemistry Laboratory, viz., safety, first aid, different types of apparatus and their assemblies used for various types of reactions, stirring arrangements, heating techniques and low temperature experiments.
Various methods used for purification of organic compounds have been described. Besides the normal technique, the book includes write-up about molecular distillation, chromatography and electrophoresis.
Special emphasis has been given to the methods, which can be used for working up of organic reactions. Various methods, which can be used successfully for isolation of products from natural sources, have been incorporated. Emphasis has also been given on the isolation of products from oily mixture using the technique of Liquid-Liquid extraction.
Methods for determining the criteria of purity of organic compounds have been discussed. The book also deals with drying and purification of solvents, preparation of spectroscopical grade solvents and HPCL solvents. The preparation of commonly used deuterated solvents (which are used for NMR spectroscopy work) is a special feature of this book.
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This book deals with general information about work in Organic Chemistry Laboratory, viz., safety, first aid, different types of apparatus and their assemblies used for various types of reactions, stirring arrangements, heating techniques and low temperature experiments.
Various methods used for purification of organic compounds have been described. Besides the normal technique, the book includes write-up about molecular distillation, chromatography and electrophoresis.
Special emphasis has been given to the methods, which can be used for working up of organic reactions. Various methods, which can be used successfully for isolation of products from natural sources, have been incorporated. Emphasis has also been given on the isolation of products from oily mixture using the technique of Liquid-Liquid extraction.
Methods for determining the criteria of purity of organic compounds have been discussed. The book also deals with drying and purification of solvents, preparation of spectroscopical grade solvents and HPCL solvents. The preparation of commonly used deuterated solvents (which are used for NMR spectroscopy work) is a special feature of this book.
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Pooja Bhagat
Renu Aggarwal