Engineering Graphics
Engineering Drawing has been serving the community of engineers as the only medium through which all sorts of engineering communications regarding planning as well as design can be made. Hence it is essential for all engineers to achieve the capability of reading, preparing and interpreting drawings. The aim of the book is to provide a well-built foundation of engineering drawing to the beginners and to provide a scope to have a brushing up facility for the practicing engineers. Keeping these two basic objectives in view, a step-by-step approach has been adopted - starting from drawing instruments, sheets, scales, curves, etc. The guidelines as laid in different codes published by Bureau of Indian Standard are mentioned and followed. Involved association of the authors with the subject for a pretty long time in various capacities like teacher, examiner, paper-setter, and head-examiner has enriched the book in terms of content and its approach of dealing. Sufficient number of worked out examples and multiple choice questions are provided to have a holistic view of the subject.
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S.C. Bera