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Subhah Mehtani (Author) Amarjit Sinha (Author)

This book, written as an introductory manual on biography caters perfectly to needs of students of geography or the biological sciences. Serving as an essential key for understanding biodiversity, biogeography is one the most relevant, as well as increasingly studied scientific disciplines today.

The book, training the history, origin and developments of the field, delineates the processes, principles and practices in the applications of this science, especially with regard to analysing patterns of species distribution. These patterns, which can be explained through a combination of factors such as speciation, extinction, continental drift, glaciation and river capture, have been given considerable attention, for form a major part of the book's content.

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About the authors

Subhah Mehtani

Dr. Subhah  Mehtani, an assistant professor of physical geography has been acclaimed as a leading specialist of Indian physical geography.  He has been a recipient of many awards for his academic excellence.  As a keen analyst of geographical events, he denies to accept geography to be a holistic subject for pedagogic treatment but tries to see it as a very positivist subject for re-inventing it into a front-line discipline.  As an erudite scholar and a prolific writer, he has credits.  He is a widely traveled person both in India and abroad.

Amarjit Sinha

Dr. Amarjit Sinha obtained his M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in geography.  He has a brilliant academic record to his credit and he has been awarded with several prizes, including gold medals and scholarships.  At present, he is working as a senior lecturer in geography.  His area of research activity has been agricultural and environmental geography.  He is engaged in research and teaching for more than one and half decades.  He has published a number of research papers in various journals, proceeding and edited books.

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Bibliographic information

Title Biogeography
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788131102084
length viii+274p.,Tables; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.