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Islam and the Western World

Mohamed Taher (Editor)
Synopsis Islam and the Western World is compilation of thought-provoking and analytical articles, derived from the authoritative writings of learned scholars in the field. The contents of the book are: Muslim Contribution to the European Renaissance; An Anonymous Andalusian Elegy on the War of Granada; Relations between Latin America and the Islamic World; Gulf Relations with the West: An Historical Survey; Britain in Malaya; Prophet of Doom; Ameer Ali in London: A New Scenario; The Bilallians of the United States; The Vatican and the Palestinian Question; The Ummah and the Predicament of Muslim Minorities; Muslim Religious Conservatism and Dissent in the USSR; Moriscos; The Muslim Intellectual Emigre in the United States; Iqbal—Poet between India and Europe; The Western Image of Islam: Political Implications; Arab Cultural Consolidation: A Response to European Colonialism; British Imperial Interests and the Maintenance of the Ottoman Empire; and Cordova as an Intellectual Centre.
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About the author

Mohamed Taher

Mohamed Taher is at the American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad.

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Bibliographic information

Title Islam and the Western World
Author Mohamed Taher
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788174889447
length x+278p., 22cm.