The Tao of Jaina Sciences: The Pursuit of Karma Theory of Every Thing
The Tao of Jaina Sciences is a story of Pursuit of the Karma Theory of Every Thing. A collection of six monographs on :- Vol. I The Number System and Measure theory.; Vol. II The Macrocosmic System and the Microscosmic Perspective., Vol.III Set Theoretic Approach in Biological Systems.; Vol. IV Foundations of Mathematico-Philosophic System.; Vol.V System Theory and Cybernetics.; Vol.VI Set Theory in Jaina School of Mathematics.
The access to Jaina Sciences is regarded as difficult, partly due to its unique terminology in Prakrit and, in chief due to its Mathematical manoeuvre in the Digambara Jaina Scool through ancient symbolic material. The Tao of Jaina Sciences opens a new arena through interesting material for history and as well as philosophy of science. It will lead to more academic discussions, serious investigations, deeper problems and better exposition about Jainology. History of Mathematical Sciencescan not fail to take note of these developments which must get place and publicity.
This work fills up the gap between The East and The West as well as throws light in order to solve world problems regarding the sources, transmission of knowledge, and so on. It appears that the history of Indian philosophy will have to record The Tao of Jaina Sciences as hallmark while the Jaina philosophy is thrashed out through this book into the complex of old and new philosophies on the globe. This is in fact a highly commendable work.
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The access to Jaina Sciences is regarded as difficult, partly due to its unique terminology in Prakrit and, in chief due to its Mathematical manoeuvre in the Digambara Jaina Scool through ancient symbolic material. The Tao of Jaina Sciences opens a new arena through interesting material for history and as well as philosophy of science. It will lead to more academic discussions, serious investigations, deeper problems and better exposition about Jainology. History of Mathematical Sciencescan not fail to take note of these developments which must get place and publicity.
This work fills up the gap between The East and The West as well as throws light in order to solve world problems regarding the sources, transmission of knowledge, and so on. It appears that the history of Indian philosophy will have to record The Tao of Jaina Sciences as hallmark while the Jaina philosophy is thrashed out through this book into the complex of old and new philosophies on the globe. This is in fact a highly commendable work.
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Ajit Kumar Jain