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Environmental Psychology

Annette Bolger (Author)
Synopsis Environmental Psychology attempt to study the impact of environmental changes on human behaviour and vice-versa. Environmental scientists monitor the quality of the environment, interpret the impact of human actions on ecosystems, and develop strategies and management procedures for restoring balance in ecosystems. Environmentalism is a broad philosophy and social movement focused on a chief concern for the conservation and improvement of the natural environment and human civilization.

Three essential components of environment—air, water and land, technically known as atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere altogether comprise biosphere. Physical and biological factors of environment influence the survival, growth, development and reproduction of organisms. Pollution in biosphere caused by the agents affect the life of organism and dissolute ecological balance. This book inscribes the different facets of the Physical World, Atmospheric Sound, Atmospheric Optics, Climate, Present and Past, Weather Control, Glaciers and Sea Ice, Nutrient Cycles, Population, Resources and Environment, Impact of Biotechnology, Ecology of Microbial Beds, Disruption of Ecological Systems, Insecticides and Marine Food Chain, Herbicides in Ecosystems.

The present volume Environmental Psychology attempts to examine the cause of some of those dreadly environmental problems and search for their approximate solution.
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About the author

Annette Bolger

Annette Bolger is an Assistant Professor of Geophysics in Centre for Development Studies (CDS), University of Waikato, New Zealand. He received his Ph.D. from the Joint Doctoral Programme in Geophysics from Massey University.

Dr. Bolger teaches courses in both the IRAPP and Geography programmes including Basic Computer Techniques in Regional Analysis, Seminar in Regional Analysis, Graduate Seminar in Regional Analysis, Physical Geography, Environmental Geography, and Remote Sensing of Environment.

His current research interests include using satellite remote sensing and hydrological modelling to investigate the impacts of human and natural disturbances on watershed structure and function. His work has been published in the National Journal of Remote Sensing, the Journal of Hydrology, and the Journal of Environmental Management.

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Bibliographic information

Title Environmental Psychology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 28.10.2010
Edition Ist ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 9788183762427
length 311p., Illustrations; Maps; 25cm.