Steps in Yoga and Meditation: In Vedic Rishis Method
Man in God’s creation is a specie limited to Time and Space. Yoga of any style aims at evolving into space to touch regions beyond time and space. There are many types of yoga cum meditation practiced in India but their common target is to free oneself from time and space constraints. The popular methods of yoga could be classified as follows.
1. Sri Vidya 2. Ashtanga Yoga 3. Advaitic Enquiry
Sri Vidya: Right from Vedic period Sri Vidya envisages a challenge for arrest of speech vibration in to through the help of master mantras designed by Vedic Rishis to leap into the higher potentialities of conscience and consciousness. The popular mantras handled in Sri Vidya are Shodasi and Mahashodasi Mula Mantras.
Ashtanga Yoga: Though difficult and not suited to this modern age of distractions with lure of science, this popular method envisages hard control of breath through direct measure and various postures in yogic exercise to regulate and streamline the human physique to become adaptive to higher dimensions of human existence on earth.
Advaita Enquiry: This concept propounded by the great Sri Adhi Sankara purports to touch the stage of oneness with Brahman through self-enquiry with popular Vedic dictums. The process is slow but promising as it penetrates the even concept of dualism which is the truth of human existence until a momentary embrace with Advaitic consciousness. This method does not involve any breath control yogic postures and even Mantra Sadhana. However a man becomes a super man with all Siddhis in divine grace at the threshold of successful Advaitic practice.
This research book is full of charts detailing various gradients of Siddhi and yogic practices to be experienced by every one engaged in the task of self consummation with the divine through the above cited methods of yoga. The number of charts found in this text is not exhaustive but enormously educative and emphatic by themselves. The book is meant for all amateurs and adepts as well engaged in the study and practice of any yoga.
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1. Sri Vidya 2. Ashtanga Yoga 3. Advaitic Enquiry
Sri Vidya: Right from Vedic period Sri Vidya envisages a challenge for arrest of speech vibration in to through the help of master mantras designed by Vedic Rishis to leap into the higher potentialities of conscience and consciousness. The popular mantras handled in Sri Vidya are Shodasi and Mahashodasi Mula Mantras.
Ashtanga Yoga: Though difficult and not suited to this modern age of distractions with lure of science, this popular method envisages hard control of breath through direct measure and various postures in yogic exercise to regulate and streamline the human physique to become adaptive to higher dimensions of human existence on earth.
Advaita Enquiry: This concept propounded by the great Sri Adhi Sankara purports to touch the stage of oneness with Brahman through self-enquiry with popular Vedic dictums. The process is slow but promising as it penetrates the even concept of dualism which is the truth of human existence until a momentary embrace with Advaitic consciousness. This method does not involve any breath control yogic postures and even Mantra Sadhana. However a man becomes a super man with all Siddhis in divine grace at the threshold of successful Advaitic practice.
This research book is full of charts detailing various gradients of Siddhi and yogic practices to be experienced by every one engaged in the task of self consummation with the divine through the above cited methods of yoga. The number of charts found in this text is not exhaustive but enormously educative and emphatic by themselves. The book is meant for all amateurs and adepts as well engaged in the study and practice of any yoga.
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