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Pinjar: The Skeleton and Other Stories

Amrita Pritam (Author)
Synopsis The Skeleton" and "That Man", two of the most moving novels by Amrita Pritam, one of India's great women writers. In the Skeleton, set against the background of religious and clan feuds on the eve of partition, Amrita Pritam portrays the inmost being of novel's complex characters. The Skeleton, translated from Punjabi into English by Khushwant Singh, is memorable for its lyrical quality. The Man is a compelling account of a young man born under strange circumstances and abandoned at the altar of God.
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Bibliographic information

Title Pinjar: The Skeleton and Other Stories
Author Amrita Pritam
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8183860974, 9788183860970
length 241p.