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Problematizing Language Studies: Cultural, Theoretical and Applied Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Rama Kant Agnihotri

S Imtiaz Hasnain (Editor) Shreesh Chaudhary (Editor)
Synopsis As a mark of esteem and affection, we bring this Festschrift to honor Rama Kant for his interests and work, for the questions and concerns he has raised and for the subtle and not so subtle ways in which he has influenced and even altered out agenda. The articles included in the Festschrift reflect the range of Rama Kant’s interests and report nearly all that is currently happening in Indian linguistics and language studies worldwide.

All contributions in this volume look at cultural, theoretical and applied aspects of the problem of language studies. Articles in the cultural section dwell upon issues that influence the form and use of language. Issues pertaining to the theory of grammar in general, and of syntax, morphology or phonetics and phonology have been grouped together in the theoretical section. Articles in the section on applied linguistics discuss the problems of language pedagogy, language planning, data bases, etc.
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Bibliographic information

Title Problematizing Language Studies: Cultural, Theoretical and Applied Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Rama Kant Agnihotri
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Aakar Books
Language: English
isbn 9789350020845
length xviii+601p., Illustrations; 25cm.