Spiritual Secrets: Question and Answers
A statement reveals a complete idea and it does not warrant any reply as it is an answer in itself. But a question seeks for an answer. Answer is possible only through enquiry. Therefore every question is a task for human brain to tap the correct answer. Even Vedas and Upanishads are the outcome of enquiries and questions raised in meditative arena. Therefore to raise a question is to challenge its answer. Hence it is clear that presentation of any subject matter in the form of question and answers poses a task to human intellect and interest in research.
Even trials, enquiries, reports and judgments in courts are presented in the form of question and answers for better and easy digest of the subject matter. Therefore any subject matter, when presented in the form of questionnaires could reach the reader’s mind with ease and comfort. This research book contains more than thousand questions falling under various segments of Indian yogic culture and spiritual practice lived into by the Maharishis of yore.
The publication has a target of more than six thousand questions to be released in this form of series of books. This super book contains the compilation of Vibhuthi Adigal culled out from the super works of his master Amarakavi Siddeswara who attained Brahma Samadhi in this recent time.
This super book is meant for the uplift of everyone as it contains questionnaire on fundamentals of yoga and meditation without which a better understanding of the gamut of human evolution may become impossible. The answers found in this book are never available in any books in the market as they are the fundamentals in self-experience of Amarakavi’s sadhana and Siddhi. I therefore request the readers to read and reread this unique book of supreme knowledge tapped from the revelations in Brahma Nishta by Amarakavi Siddeswara. If the patroanage for this unique title is sound, it will terminate in release of further such books in its series.
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Even trials, enquiries, reports and judgments in courts are presented in the form of question and answers for better and easy digest of the subject matter. Therefore any subject matter, when presented in the form of questionnaires could reach the reader’s mind with ease and comfort. This research book contains more than thousand questions falling under various segments of Indian yogic culture and spiritual practice lived into by the Maharishis of yore.
The publication has a target of more than six thousand questions to be released in this form of series of books. This super book contains the compilation of Vibhuthi Adigal culled out from the super works of his master Amarakavi Siddeswara who attained Brahma Samadhi in this recent time.
This super book is meant for the uplift of everyone as it contains questionnaire on fundamentals of yoga and meditation without which a better understanding of the gamut of human evolution may become impossible. The answers found in this book are never available in any books in the market as they are the fundamentals in self-experience of Amarakavi’s sadhana and Siddhi. I therefore request the readers to read and reread this unique book of supreme knowledge tapped from the revelations in Brahma Nishta by Amarakavi Siddeswara. If the patroanage for this unique title is sound, it will terminate in release of further such books in its series.
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