Indian Sawflies Biodiversity: Subfamily Allantinae: Keys, Catalogue and Illustrations, Volume 3
This volume on Sawflies Diversity of Indian subcontinent deals with subfamily Allantinae (Symphyta : Tenthredinidae). This is an outcome of 30 years extensive and intensive survey of all high altitude regions of India covering the entire Himalayan belt and the hills of South India. Based on about 8000 specimens, this work covers 143 species belonging to 31 genera. Prior to this work only 34 species and subspecies belonging to 17 genera were on record. 5 genera and 87 species have been contributed by the author and his co-workers, whereas, 9 genera covering 22 species constitute the first record from this country This is the first comprehensive monographic work compiled on this subfamily of sawflies from this region.
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Books by the same author
Indian Sawflies Biodiversity: Keys, Catalogue and Illustrations, Genus Tenthredo Linnaeus (Hymenoptera, Symphyta: Tenthredinidae), Volume 1
Indian Sawflies Biodiversity: Keys, Catalogue and Illustrations: Subfamily Tenthredininae Sans Genus Tenthredo L., Volume 2
Indian Sawflies Biodiversity: Subfamilies Selandriinae and Dolerinae: Keys, Catalogue and Illustrations, Volume 4
Indian Sawflies Biodiversity: Subfamilies Blennocampinae, Heterarthrinae and Nematinae: Keys, Catalogue and Illustrations, Volume 5
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