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Hand Book of Tree Farming

N / A (Author)
Synopsis This book coves the details of planting and management of trees of Apple, Aonla, Banana Cultivation, Bamboo, Babul, Bael (Bel), Coconut, Casuarina, Cashew, Drumstick, Eucalyptus, Guava, Israeli Babul, Khejri, Karanj, Litchi, Mango, Mahua, Mulberry, Neem, Poplar Tree, Rosewood, Rubber, Shisham/Sissoo, Subadual, Teak, Tamarind etc.
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Title Hand Book of Tree Farming
Author N / A
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788189765187
length 370p., Illusrtrations; 22cm.