Expeditious Empowerment of Women Through Innovative Strategies
The focus of this book, Expeditious Empowerment of Women Through Innovative Strategies is on successful multi-dimensional development of a dozen programmes. These perspectives of micro-development presented here, on a holistic basis, from Andhra Pradesh provide insight and inspiration for better understanding of the strategies and the entire process of development of these diverse projects. In fact for replication of these successful programmes elsewhere, the process of development of all these projects have been documented using case study approach. They are the excellent and exclusive women credit society, rapid development of West Godavari district, the model and developed constituency of Kuppam, self-sufficient and successful village infected with AIDS near Tirupati, Transformation of a slum population into middle class community in Hyderabad city, and the promising beginning made for afforestation by community participation. In addition, there are three insightful chapters on women’s empowerment, reproductive health, universal family planning and their overall better quality of life. Yet another fascinating programme is on the liberation of century old bonded labourers namely the Yanadi Tribe and their rehabilitation using World Bank aid. There is also a methodology chapter on case study valuable for future research. The last chapter is on the festschrift of an international and successful administrator and educator for inspiring our posterity. Thus, this book is immensely needed for one and all interested in the rapid and successful development of all welfare programmes in the world. The supplementary volume of this book has already been released viz., Participatory experiment in holistic rapid development: successful strategies for empowerment of women, regulation of fertility and rural development in Andhra Pradesh.
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Books by the same authors
Participatory Experiment in Holistic Rapid Development: Successful Strategies for Empowerment of Women, Regulation of Fertility and Rural Development in Andhra Pradesh
Welfare Model of Development and Demographic Transition: Successful Programmes on Health, Nutrition, Family Planning and Development
Reproductive Health of Humankind in Asia and Africa: A Global Perspective (In 2 Volumes)
Communication and Education for Health Promotion and Population Regulation
Bibliographic information
K.A. Pisharoti
G. Subramanyam