Practical Approach to Acupuncture
This book is a text book for doctors who wish to lean and practice acupuncture. It explains the basic principle of acupuncture. The section on therapeutics justifies the suggested points. In addition to body acupuncture, Ear and Scalp acupuncture are explained in detail. Wrist and Ankle acupuncture, Face and Nose acupuncture and Hand acupuncture are also described in this book. Acupuncture monogram is explained very well. This book also includes a new chapter on Sujok Acupuncture. Certain disorders like migraine require enhanced skill. This book explains how special points can be selected from the pulse diagnosis with the help of the organ clock and five elements. The pneumonic approach towards points has been used throughout for easy retention in the section dealing with the sixty command points. Section on recent advances deals with acupuncture anesthesia, laser beam therapy homeopuncture, chromopuncture etc.
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