Business Analysis
Business Analysis is a bestselling practical guide for anyone involved in business analysis, whether improving business process or defining requirements for IT solutions. The book explores the entire range of approaches and techniques needed to conduct business analysis successfully, including investigating business issues, modelling processes, defining requirements and producing rigorous business cases.
Some important enhancements to this new edition: the inclusion of additional techniques such as lshikawa diagrams and spaghetti maps; expanded treatment requirements management and investigation of business needs; more detailed treatment of benefits realization including the use of benefits realization maps.
New edition of bestselling book. Practical business analysis techniques. Business process modelling. Requirements analysis and management. Managing change.
Business Analysis has been written and now updated by a team of experts who are practitioners and educators in the business analysis field.
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Some important enhancements to this new edition: the inclusion of additional techniques such as lshikawa diagrams and spaghetti maps; expanded treatment requirements management and investigation of business needs; more detailed treatment of benefits realization including the use of benefits realization maps.
New edition of bestselling book. Practical business analysis techniques. Business process modelling. Requirements analysis and management. Managing change.
Business Analysis has been written and now updated by a team of experts who are practitioners and educators in the business analysis field.
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Books by the same authors
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Donald Yeates
James Cadle