Atlas of Oxide Ores of India and Their Textures
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The Atlas is a premier idea to present the scenario of Indian ores in a very palatable way contributions are many and the present text is a suitable blend of individual geo-scientific works thus the atlas is very unique both in presentation style and material contents it may further be mentioned here that the present volume of Atlas of oxide ores of India and their textures is first of its kind in India. The oxides covered are bauxite chromites iron and manages ores lateritic nickel ore and ocean nodules besides coverage is made on the placers radioactive minerals and also tin tungsten and vanadium ores this volume has around 200 plates with more than a thousand photographs portraying some important mines quarries and interesting hand specimens of these ores the majority of photographs depict very interesting primary and secondary ore textures as revealed under optical and electron microscope their descriptions are to the points and precise yet revealing necessary detail phases and their intergrowth patterns the editor will fell happy if this atlas finds some use by the research students in geology mineral engineering and teachers in economic geology. ( Four Colour Atlas ).
Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Bauxite Chapter 3. Chromite and Nickel Ore Chapter 4. Iron Ore Chapter 5.Manganese Ore Chapter 6. Manganese Nodule Chapter 7. Placer Minerals Chapter 8. Radioactive Minerals Chapter 9. Tin and Tungsten Ore Chapter 10. Vanadium Ore Chapter 11. Something More Precious than the Oxide Ores References Index.
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