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Gender Issues: Attestations and Contestations

Rajul Bhargava (Editor)
The essays in the volume are yet another attempt at re-opening gender issues which have gained ground in this post-feminist era. Despite half a century of debate and rebellion there is still an unevenness that disrupts smooth sailing. Women have not entirely come into their own and the stigma of being born one persists to plague.

What is the nature of pressures and obstacles and how and where the hurdles lie is being explored afresh. The space is the literary and the socio-political; the time frame is contemporary; and the analysis is topical.
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Bibliographic information

Title Gender Issues: Attestations and Contestations
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rawat Publications
Language: English
isbn 8131603245
length x+262p., Tables; Index; 24cm.