Mining and Environmental Science
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Minerals may be located very near Earth's surface or may lie at great depths below the surface. In both cases, Mining methods involve the removal of rock, Soil and Vegetation from an area, which has the potential to greatly impact the environment. Indeed, mining is of great Importance to people, but the Effects of mining on the Environment and the Health of Organisms is of great concern to Environmental scientists. Mining has been particularly demanding in recent decades, as the extent of its effects on the environment have became more clear and General public concern over this issue has increased.
This textbook on mining and environment provides a comprehensive view of environment and studies in detail the pertinent aspects of mining of coal, lead, zinc, limestone, phosphate and uranium. Pollution problems in mining areas related to air, water, noise and health hazards as well as land degradation, subsidence and deforestation have been discussed along with remedial Measures such as land reclamation, revegetation, environmental monitoring, impact assessment and environmental management. Mining Laws with special reference to safety issues, Vision for future mining and application of remote sensing in environmental management are also included wherever needed.
The book is meant for the students, Teachers and researchers of Geology, Geography, Environmental Science and Mining Engineering at University level. It will also be of immense Help to students preparing for competitive examinations like UGC-CSIR (NET), GATE and SLET for JRF and lectureship eligibility in universities and colleges as well as GSI, ONGC, OIL, CIL, CGWB, NMDC, etc. and also for administrative services (IAS, IPS, IPS, PCS, etc.).
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