Intelligence Tradecraft: Secrets of Spy Warfare
Intelligence Tradecrafts: Secrets of Spy Warfare is a book on detailed study of various aspects of intelligence gathering tools like Humlnt, Siglnt, Surveillance, Ellnt, Satlnt, Agent recruitment and handling etc. The comprehensive study of various aspects of tradecraft was based on Indian experiences and detailed study of the science and art of espionage in other countries. Though innumerable literarture is available in foreign countries on the science and arts of intelligence tradecraft, there has not been enough thrust in this area in India. This is the first major effort to bring to the common people and the professionals the inner shadow areas as to how intelligence is collected. In Open Secrets the author had tried to portray the riddles of how and why intelligence related events take place. In this book, efforts have been made to analyse the methodology of collection of intelligence, how the trade is performed and why intelligence tradecraft form the sinews fo spy warfare. This is a sequal of the popular book Open Secrets.
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Roger Faligot