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Weed Weedicide and Weed Control Principles and Practices

R C Mandal (Author) B P Pal (Author)
Weeds pose serious problems in both crop and non-cropped areas and water-bodes. They infest lawn and gardens; become troublesome along highways, railroads and industrial areas; in irrigation and drainage systems; and create health hazards to animal and human beings.

The author has attempted to present the subject in an useful way and readable manner so as to understand easily. It will be helpful to research workers, college and University teachers, Vocational teachers, extension specialists, herbicide sale representatives and progressive farmers. Weed control practices suggested are based on research reports of several workers in this field and his own experience. However, farmers are not quite familiar to the use of herbicides as is the case of pesticides and fungicides; only because they do not have adequate knowledge in the techniques of application, availability and also cost involvement.

The book contains classification and description of monocot, dicot, aquatic and parasitic weeds; reproduction and dissemination of weeds, allelopathy, weed control methods, classification of herbicides and mode of herbicidal action: selective weed control in field crops: plantations and Horticultural crops, grass lands and ornamentals: residual effect of herbicides, along with useful illustrations.

A couple of vary good text books on weed science from India and abroad are available which are being used as guides to teach weed science courses. However, this book is a practical guide, provided with up-to-date information in a comprehensive and understandable manner, dealing with all the practical aspects.
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About the author

R C Mandal

Dr. R.C. Mandal after receiving his M. Sc. (Ag) degree in agronomy from Agra University in 1957, Dr. Mandal devoted to teaching for sometime and then to transfer to technology for 5 years. During 1960, he entered into research under Indian Council of Agricultural research and continued in various capacities. In 1969, he received Ph.D. Degree in agronomy from Agra University. He has vast experience on agronomic improvement of various crops. He was deputed by Govt. of India in Fiji from 1973-75 as an expert and guide on Agronomy and gained experience abroad. The author made intensive studies on various herbicides to control weeds in various crops. In research management and research administration also, he worked in administration also, he worked in various capacities as head of Division in Agronomy, as Project Coordinator (Tuber Crops), as Joint director (Research complex) and also as Director-in-charge (Tuber Crops and Cashew). He has research experience for 25 years, extension 3 years and research management 12 years. Dr. Mandal has published over 60 research and technical papers. He is member of Indian Societies of Agronomy, Plantation Crops, Root Vegetables and Weed science.  

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Bibliographic information

Title Weed Weedicide and Weed Control Principles and Practices
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Agrobios (India)
Language: English
isbn 9788177540215
length 306p., Appendix; 24cm.