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Protozoans these one celled organisms belong to the Kingdom Protista which includes algae and lower fungi. Although most species of protozoans are invisible to the naked eye but they dominate the earths environment occurring everywhere in an amazing diversity of forms and functions.
During the last few decades there are some recent books on freshwater marine soil symbiotic parasitic and on most pathogenic Protozoa which stretch and attract the great attention of many current investigators. Present book deals with systematics morphological and some ecological aspects of Protozoan. Salient features of known species have been briefly mentioned. First section of the book highlights on the taxonomy of Protozoa and in the second section different techniques of preparation preservation and cultivation of various groups of Protozoa are furnished. The Laboratory manual is a collection of experiments and their selection is governed by the following parameters: i. Involvement of a new concept or a technique. ii. Reproducibility by the students. iii. Easy availability of resource material chemical and instrument. In the later section systematics morphology along with the labelled figures are described which help the student to know these tiny creatures very well.
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Shaikh Tarannum Tanveer