Herbal Drugs: Quality & Chemistry
Herbals and herbal products are in use in worldwide as home remedies, over the counter preparations and as raw material in pharmaceutical industry. Globally, the herbal medicines market is growing very fast, so there is need of increasing attention to maintain the quality of herbals before recommendation of it as raw material to pharma industry or home remedy, for sustainability of herbals as drug. The herbal drugs needs to be defined in term of modern medical practices also.
The book has been prepared in response to the need of international harmonization to produce and supply the quality herbals, value addition on it, characterization, standardization, developing chemical finger prints, analytical and manufacturing validation as well as their utilization for different purposes. The book also describes the art of implementation of academic research as industrial herbal product.
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Atlas of Macroscopic & Microscopic Characters of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Drugs: Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Volume I
A Hand Book of Common Siddha Kayakalpa (Rasayana) Herbs for Healthy Life
Field Manual on Herbarium Techniques
Anticancer Herbal Drugs of India: With Special Reference to Ayurveda
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