Identity Issues in Northeast India
This study is based on the theme of the National Seminar Identities in Northeast India with special reference to Tripura in which different parameters of identities of Tripura are discussed. In Northeast India academic discussions on identity is dominated by discussion on ethnicity. And there is a common perception among the scholars to coin the phrases identity crisis ethnicity or question of identities whenever there is the question of identities whenever there is the question of identities in Northeast India. Ethnic disturbance is rampant in Northeast India and is a burning issue which undoubtedly demands attention. But in the concept of identity there remains wide scope to focus on multidimensional groups of human society. At various tracts of Northeast India in general and Tripura in particular the role of different communities and groups both tribal and non tribal the weaker sections the Dalits the women the religious minorities the landless labourers the communities known for particular business trade commerce the special physical and geographical features etc are instrumental in influencing various parts of the region which might not have received due attention. Therefore the objective of this study is to go beyond ethnicity and to provide a platform to scholars to represent all identities in contexts of ethnic identity or identities based on religion language culture occupation etc., which would create atmosphere where no one would feel isolated or ignored.
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