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Making of Demography and Gerontology

D S Rawat (Author)

This work consist of two parts. In the first part we have compiled vital information on founding fathers and other major contributors in the field of demography. This part consists of five chapters. In the second part of the book we have addressed gerontology and other relevant factors in demography. The text is supported by facts and figures drawn from authoritative sources. Definitely, this work will serve the purpose of students, teachers and researchers in the field of demography, economics, anthropology and sociology besides all social scientists and policymakers in the field.

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Bibliographic information

Title Making of Demography and Gerontology
Author D S Rawat
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788178848594
length viii+264p., Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.